Friday Sep 18, 2020
Science & Spirituality...
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Have you ever stopped to contemplate the basis of modern science was spiritual in nature..? That it was interesting individuals just attempting to improve of existence..? It wasn't about profit and the next shiny thing, it was the curious human just trying to see what would happen... Somewhere along the way we've lost this understanding and we're serving science in a lot of ways, it's no longer serving us... I sat back down with Brendan Murphy and explore these ideas, he has a unique perspective as he has written a book "The Grand Illusion" which is based on this topic... Another excellent conversation for you all, enjoy.
Brendan is the author of the critically acclaimed 'The Grand Illusion: A Synthesis of Science and Spirituality - Book 1' (brendandmurphy.com) and co-founder of free speech social network 'Trooth'. He is also the host of Truthiverse podcast (truthiverse.com) and radio show and is currently immersed in completing the monumental and ground-breaking Book 2 of 'The Grand Illusion' - watch this space. If you are interested in accelerated spiritual evolution, transformation, healing, and self-actualisation, check out his free masterclass 'How to Evolve Yourself (without meditation, hard work, or spending thousands)' at evolveyourself.live
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Lore Vs Law...
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Lore Vs Law... what do these to terms even mean, what determines one or the other? Martin and I finally sat down in the Refinery to try and figure this out... This one wasn't as easy as it sounded and because of that it was a very fascinating conversation... How we determine which is which was an interesting thought process to play with and I think its something we should all consider... Enjoy
Friday Sep 11, 2020
Unsupervised VI - Processing Grief and a Message to the Silent Majority...
Friday Sep 11, 2020
Friday Sep 11, 2020
It's been a minute since you've heard from me... I didn't honour the process I had set for myself and then slammed into a wall... This episode is me honouring that process, trying to process the grief of my Nan passing and sharing in the hope it can help you as well... I finish this Unsupervised with an important message to the silent majority... Hope all is well.
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
An Alternate Origin Story...
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
What is our true Origin story..? When you take an honest look at it as usual we don't really know, the evidence is very thin... If that's the case then we must be open to all theories and in this podcast we unpack Bruce Fenton's work in a little more detail. It's essentially the Pleiadian Story, this story has been echoed around the world for many thousands of years... Another interesting podcast and enjoy our version of I Know You by White Buffalo inspired by Jocko... Enjoy
Monday Aug 17, 2020
A Grand Illusion...
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Monday Aug 17, 2020
The illusion of free will... This year more than ever we are seeing the illusion break down before our eyes... To shed some light on this we welcome Brendan D Murphy to the podcast. Brendan and I had a wide ranging conversation from spirituality to the current prophetic and chaotic time we currently reside... It was a privledge to have him on and I look forward to the next time we can sit down... Enjoy
Brendan is the author of the critically acclaimed 'The Grand Illusion: A Synthesis of Science and Spirituality - Book 1' (brendandmurphy.com) and co-founder of free speech social network 'Trooth'. He is also the host of Truthiverse podcast (truthiverse.com) and radio show and is currently immersed in completing the monumental and ground-breaking Book 2 of 'The Grand Illusion' - watch this space. If you are interested in accelerated spiritual evolution, transformation, healing, and self-actualisation, check out his free masterclass 'How to Evolve Yourself (without meditation, hard work, or spending thousands)' at evolveyourself.live
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Knights of the Round Table...
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
A 6 person podcast sounds a little crazy... that's probably because it is however somehow we made it work... Angus, Dan, Franco, Andy, Ward and I sat down around the Poker Table and explored all manner of topics from UFO's to politics to the chaotic current state of world in general. I wasn't sure we'd be able to pull this one off however it's because of the fine gentlemen at the table that we could... Another awesome experience, thanks boys... Enjoy
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
A Conversation without Hesitation...
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Australia's Stonehenge, , missing Key Stones, Secret Societies and a forgotten Global Spiritual culture are just a few the topics Richard Patterson & I explored in the Refinery just a few days ago... It was a pleasure to have Richard in the studio finally and I couldn't think of a better conversation to have here at UTC headquarters... One with out hesitation which therefore allowed true exploration of the topics we covered... Enjoy